I need to install some free antivirus on a Win98 machine - the ones that
seem to get referred to most of the time in this and other groups are AVG,
AVAST and AntiVir.
This is for someone who needs the simplest operation possible -
So which of the above 3 (or other suggestions) will offer reasonable
performance with the least impact on resources, and require minuimum of
intervention by the user. And is there anything I should know about
peculiarities (of the software that is, not the user!!)
I need to install some free antivirus on a Win98 machine - the ones that
seem to get referred to most of the time in this and other groups are AVG,
AVAST and AntiVir.
This is for someone who needs the simplest operation possible -
So which of the above 3 (or other suggestions) will offer reasonable
performance with the least impact on resources, and require minuimum of
intervention by the user. And is there anything I should know about
peculiarities (of the software that is, not the user!!)