You wrote on Fri, 21 Nov 2003 08:51:11 +0000 (UTC):
??>> MS Access is great for really quick data manipulation that can
??>> then be further anaylsed in spreadsheet form. I know there is
??>> MYSQL, but I cannot find a free GUI table and SQL builder.
??>> Manually takes too long for throw away work...
??>> Is there an alternative?
W> I'm not the guy for giving expert advice in this area, but have a
W> look at DBDesigner4 (in combination with MySQL), I think it might
W> come close to what you want:
I've done some testing of DBdeigner4, VisualBasic Database,
IBeasy/Inferbase, dbworx, SvW Data keeper and Open Office Database
It depends on what you want to do: If you want to do a quick and dirty
database single table, no forms, dbworx is your best bet. If looking for
more one-to-one functionality with Access - Multiple tables, Forms, Queries,
and Reports - Open Office Database Organizer works surpisingly well. Take
a look at Garry Knight's article on creating a database from scratch in Open
Office found here:
John H.. E-mail: (e-mail address removed)
Website: John's Best of Free Software: