The error "unexpectedly terminated" is usually caused by interference
from an antivirus program. Which antivirus are you running? Some of
them cause problems with Windows Mail over time. As a minimum,
email scanning in the antivirus should be turned off, although that may
not be sufficient to eliminate all bad effects. In a worst case scenario,
your antivirus may need to be uninstalled/reinstalled or replaced.
Email scanning in any antivirus should be disabled, for reasons
explained here:
Gary VanderMolen, Microsoft MVP (Mail)
"Dario" wrote in message
Same problem, all settings are ok.
this is the error message but in italian
Il server ha interrotto la connessione in modo inatteso. Ciò potrebbe essere
dovuto a problemi relativi al server o alla rete oppure a un lungo periodo di
inattività. Oggetto 'Re: Appartamenti Ricci - Richiesta informazioni da
Elbaworld', Account: '', Server: '',
Protocollo: SMTP, Porta: 25, Protezione (SSL): No, Errore socket: 10053,
Numero di errore: 0x800CCC0F