
May 18, 2004
Reaction score
Just had £450.00 stolen from my account! - someone used my details at Betfred... B*****d!

Rang halifax 20 mins ago and told them, so the fraud people are on the case.

Should have it reimbursed in full.

Funny thing was, the money they got wasnt mine - it was the Halifax's - its the account i get paid into and i move all my cash to various savings accounts - they got my overdraft and nothing else.

Oh well.
Damn, that's not good! Any ideas how they got your card details?
Was that on -line ??? Hope you get it sorted .
No idea about how they might have got anything!!

Unless it was the people at the national express call centre...
Sorry to hear of that Chris....At least the Halifax is going to get it sorted mate...
You sure nobody has seen your card at Uni? That's the most likely explanation.

It happened to me a couple of years ago, my daughter brought some people she knew back to my home to wait while she got ready, I wasn't in, my credit card holder was laying around and....

It could have been worse, they only took details of one card and then actually opened two AOL accounts, giving addresses and phone numbers :lol:

Pillocks :D

PS: Daughter does not associate with those peeps anymore, they wuz strictly temp.
Dont think anyone at uni has seen card...

Oh well. As long as Halifax re-imburse be i dont care...
Take it your getting all your cards renewed, new pins etc...

Best be on the safe side and make sure you have different pins for each card (debit/credit) and get them reissued.
Dont know if Plods involved yet - but i have said i will co-operate with them if they do get a lead.