DateTime for example does not serialize... therfore...
if you have a datatable or dataset with datetime inside it
somewhere.... it will fail.
Any custom objects you have will fail.
We use Binary serialization, to store things in a remote cache server,
using remoting.
This has been in place for eyars, and al live aps use it, it is 1.1.
we started working on our plan to build new things in 2.0, so we
started with our framework layer. As soon as 2.0 page tries to put
something in the cache or take out... if there is a datetime in
volved... puff... failure. It would be invoncivable to rewwrite all our
code to make some custom datetime type or something like that. and the
deserialize hajs to support it even in complex types, the performance
hit of analizying na object, ocrrecting it and then deserializng would
be unacceptable.
In any case, a microsoft guy told me that supposidly there is a patch
for the 1.1 framewokr that cuases it to deal with 2.0 datatypes
properly. However he could not find the kb article for me, and now... i
don't know what to do. I am pretty much googled out trying to find this
patch, and that is the only thing next to a solution that i have