Does the message box tell you what the the type of the exception is (SecurityException? FileNotFoundException? FileLoadException?)? Maybe you could put in some diagnostics to the application so you can capture the exception trace.
Does the application use any assemblies other than the system one? Maybe its failing loading a subordinate assembly that hasn't been copied to the other machine - maybe you code use the fusion log viewer (fuslogvw.exe) to trap any assembly resolution failures.
If the application is being run off the other machines hard disk its unlikely to be an issue about partial trust because, unless they have being playing with their machine CAS settings the assembly will be running with fulltrust.
Oh, just checking - the failing machines do have the .NET runtime on them, yes?
Richard Blewett - DevelopMentor
[email protected]>
As i try to run the program I get an application popup
error Common language runtime debugging services:
Application has generated an exception that could not be
the exe is copied to the failings machines hdd and run
from there, i do not have an exception trace
Thank you