Framework Configuration

  • Thread starter Thread starter David de Passos
  • Start date Start date

David de Passos

As I can make to configure framework with one setup. The
configuration that I am to speak is:
Control Panel->Administrative Tools->Microsoft .NET
Framework 1.1 Configuration:
Run Time Security Police->Machine->Code Groups-
All_code->Local_Intranet Zone and to insert a new rule
to have permissions to accede to an application that if
finds in another machine.
Did you use some automated translator to create this post ?
It seems like moething written in spanish or Portuguese translated
Allow me to reverse-translate this to Portuguese:

Como eu posso fazer para configurar o framework com um setup.
A configuracao que eu estou a falar é:
Control Panel->Administrative Tools->Microsoft .NET
Framework 1.1 Configuration:
Run Time Security Police->Machine->Code Groups->All_code->Local_Intranet

E para inserir uma nova regra para ter permissoes de accessar em
outra applicacao que se encontra em outra maquina"

Even translating back, I couldn't understand your problem :)
It seems like you are looking for a way to make those security changes via a
Setup program, right? Try editing the machine.config file.

Portuguese: Mesmo traduzindo de volta, eu nao pude entender seu problema :)
Parece que voce quer encontrar um jeito de fazer essas alteracoes com um
programa de Setup, será? Tente editar o arquivo machine.config