Kevin said:
I've designed a site with FP 2003. I used a frames design. When I
click on my links like "about us" how do I make the about us page
open in the main window in my frames?
Have you named your frames ?
If you haven't, then this is what the index page should look like
<frameset rows="90,*">
<frame src="heading.html" name="heading" scrolling="no"
<frameset cols="140,*">
<frame src="sidebar.html" name="sidebar" scrolling="no"
<frame src="main.html" name="main" scrolling="auto"
You can vary scrolling and noresize to suit yourself, but note the use of
name=" "
To open "about us" in the "main" window, add target ="main' to the link.
Or, if you want all links in a page to open in "main", add this to the
<head> section
<base target="main"/>
You can see exactly this behaviour on my site in sidebar.html. I even use
the words "About Us"