Frame Grabbing

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Hello all,

I am presently using Movie Maker to create individual clips of underwater
video transects. From these I then need to select 50 non overlapping frames.
I would like to know whether Movie Maker has a function that allows you grab
individual, non overlaping frames from the video sequence. If not does
anybody know of any software that can be used in conjunction with Movie Maker
to perform this or how easy it would be to write script to do so (my
programming knowledge is highly limited) If it is at all possible it would
make my life a whole lot simpler as I have a lot of video to analyse!

kind regards

tim said:
Hello all,
I then need to select 50 non overlapping frames.
I would like to know whether Movie Maker has a function that allows you
individual, non overlaping frames from the video sequence. If not does
anybody know of any software that can be used in conjunction with Movie
to perform this [...]

While you can grab individual frames "manually" from within Movie Maker, it
does not have the ability to grab a sequence of frames in one go.

I would recommend VirtualDub which has a lot more to offer than just
extracting frames:

To extract frames in vdub:
1. File -> Open Video File
2. File -> Save Image Sequence