Hi Thomas
I believe that confusion is taking over.
Please be as kind as to explain step by step - because I dont understand
what you mean with your answer.
Maybe I explained it not good enough.
Here the details:
The page which is opening correctly in the frame has a "option-box" for
different months so that the client can choose statements for each month.
This pdf files should open in a new window. Attached I send you the code
my "option box":
Maybe you can help
<FORM NAME="mymenu">
<p align="center">
<SELECT NAME="page" size="1" class="red">
<OPTION VALUE=""><B>Select an Option</b>
http://www.bellfield-barna.com" Target="New
window(_blanc)">February 2005
<OPTION VALUE="next.html">March 2005
<OPTION VALUE="after.html">April 2005
<OPTION VALUE="after.html">May 2005
<OPTION VALUE="after.html">June 2005
<OPTION VALUE="after.html">July 2005
<OPTION VALUE="after.html">August 2005
VALUE="..\..\Customer_statements\43001000-6027\End-of-month statement
September 2005 'BIE 30 P'.pdf">September 2005
<OPTION VALUE="after.html">October 2005
<OPTION VALUE="after.html">November 2005
<OPTION VALUE="after.html">December 2005
<OPTION VALUE="after.html">January 2006
<OPTION VALUE="after.html">February 2006
<A HREF="JavaScript: go();"
OnMouseOver="self.status='mouseover';return true"
OnMouseOut="self.status='';return true"><img src="../../Images/go.gif"
height="17" width="22"
Align="absmiddle" border=0 alt="Image" ></A></p>