Loui said:
When I was a win (*SE user, I had a program named "Crackup". This program
would tell me what percentage of my hard drive was fragmented.
This was a big help in determining whether or not to defragment.
Crackup does not work with XP.
Does anyone know of a program that would do this with XP?
What is the basis of calculating the % of fragmentation? You need to
know that before you can make any meaningful decisions based on that
If, for example, the % of fragmentation is based on the number of
files that are in two or more fragments as a percentage of the total
number of files on the drive then that can be a misleading number. It
might be, for example, that only 100 out of 10,000 files on the drive
are fragmented. On this basis that would be 1% fragemention and not
very serious. But those 100 fragmented files could include the 10
files that are in constant use by the Point-of-Sale software installed
on the computer, and each of those 10 files could well be in several
hundred or even several thousand different fragments. That would
really have an adverse effect on the performance of the Point-of-Sale
software even though the drive was reported only 1% fragmented.
A more complex algorithm, one that takes into account not only the
number of files that are fragmented but also the total number of
fragments that those files are split into would be a more realistic
measurement but might still fall far short of assessing the impact of
fragmentation on the performance of a "mission critical" application
In other words, forget about % fragmentation as any sort of a guide.
Defragment regularly, such as when you are away from the computer for
a meal break or similar, or schedule it to run overnight if you think
it might take a long time.
Good luck
Ron Martell Duncan B.C. Canada
Microsoft MVP (1997 - 2006)
On-Line Help Computer Service
"Anyone who thinks that they are too small to make a difference
has never been in bed with a mosquito."