Fractal Design Define R4


Mar 25, 2003
Reaction score
Tech Power Up have reviewed the Fractal Design Define R4 case which features a very sleek and minimalistic design. Here's what they thought of it:

"The Fractal Design Define R4 has taken the R3 and successfully fused it with the backbone of the Arc chassis. The newest revision adds USB 3.0 support, a new front panel design, and more options for fans. Thanks to the modular HDD bays, you may also install extra-long graphic cards. All these improvements warrant the new revision. The Define R4 looks like the series on sight, but comes with core differences. It should be mentioned that the competition is not resting and is also offering cases geared for the silent user, but their offers include a few extras, like hot-swap bays, LED lighting, more fans, even more flexibility between silence and performance, doors that open to both sides, hot-swap bays, and the likes. I mentioned these concerns in my R3 review and feel that Fractal-Design has gone in the right direction with the Define R4, but it may not offer enough to stay atop of the competition which seems to evolve at a faster pace than Fractal Design does with the Define series. One could consider the lead that Fractal Design had back in the day void, and they better step up their game with the R5."

You can read their full review here.