Does anyone have anything to say (good or bad) against the F-PROT Antivirus
Noozer said:Does anyone have anything to say (good or bad) against the F-PROT Antivirus
Does anyone have anything to say (good or bad) against the F-PROT Antivirus
I vote "good", but it should be the MS-DOS version, run under pure MS-DOS.Does anyone have anything to say (good or bad) against the F-PROT Antivirus
Does anyone have anything to say (good or bad) against the F-PROT Antivirus
Hercules said:I vote "good", but it should be the MS-DOS version, run under pure MS-DOS.
(Start the computer from a DOS boot disk, so Windows is totally dormant.)
That way every file gets scanned, even those that are part of windows.
This computer has NEVER copped a virus when F-PROT is around!
(touch wood)
Noozer said:Does anyone have anything to say (good or bad) against the F-PROT Antivirus
Im just wondering if tech protect (free) which is a windows shell forAlthough it appears to finish okay, the (free) dos version won't run
properly in a winxp command window regardless of whether you have a
fat32 or a ntfs filesystem.
On the (pay) windows version it appears to run okay but does stop for
a breather on some files it finds difficult to scan. It appears to get
hung up but eventually continues.
Im just wondering if tech protect (free) which is a windows shell for
fprot for dos would work for you?.It has auto updater plus resident/on
demand scan capabilities using the fprot for dos engine
You're absolutely right. I should have mentioned that. Sorry...nope...
if you can read the filesystem after booting from an msdos floppy then
f-prot for dos is fine, but if the filesystem is ntfs then f-prot for
windows is more or less required...
Im not exactly sure as i run 98.It seems different to the fprot for dosI thought this was only a graphical front end. Are you saying that it
will scan all files on winxp?
Im not exactly sure as i run 98.It seems different to the fprot for dos
that i tried a year or two ago although it does use its defenitions.It
gives the rightclcik shell ability and has a resident as well as
ondemand scanner , plus an auto/manual updater.It also has an excluder
folder for excluded files etc.