FP2000 vs FP2003



I recently purchased the 2003 version but haven't installed it yet. I do
notice that I get an option to remove the old version or to install as a
separate program entirely. Which would be better since I already have a
website listed with FP2000 and don't want to take the risk of losing it (I
covered this by copying the entire site to a separate partition just in case)
if the remove option also takes out the web.

Are there very many improvements in 2003 that 2000 doesn't have at all or
have been been limited in being able to do?

Thomas A. Rowe

I would leave FP2000 installed until you are comfortable with FP2003, the major change is the User
Interface, Dynamic Web Templates, Split Screen View of Code and Design, plus all of the features
added to FP2002.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.

Jim Scott

I would leave FP2000 installed until you are comfortable with FP2003, the major change is the User
Interface, Dynamic Web Templates, Split Screen View of Code and Design, plus all of the features
added to FP2002.

OK so what about 2002 vs 2003?

Thomas A. Rowe

The ones I have listed are the major changes.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.


Since I skipped FP2002 I have no clue about what new things were brought into
that version so I'm suspecting there will be many changes from 2000 to 2003
that I will play around with as a separate installation before moving my
current web out of 2000 to 2003. I just received my new books from
amazon.com about FP2003 so I'll be making lots of notes again I see. I've
built a server here to host my own website and already installed Office XP
Pro on it and it had FP2002 included with the SQL Server 2000, but I haven't
done anything except already install FP2003 over the top of that one and
remove FP2002 during the install. I don't have it connected to my router yet
to set it all up, so my XP system that I'm on now is the one with the older
version of FP2000 as I revamp my original site to something cleaner than my
first attempt was. I think I'll be reading the posts here quite a bit



Just for reference - I don't know about if problems will happen for FP 2000
and FP 2003 to coexist as I usually removed the previous version completely.

I did try Office XP and Office 2003 to coexist in one system, and the result
is - terrible. They would mess up with each other all the time. And in
another laptop where I removed XP and just put Office 2003, it works great.

So I've decided to remove one and keep only one during my next major
hardware upgrade.

Again, I don't know if it applies to FP as I only have 2003 installed. But
you might want to investigate more.

Good luck.

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