FP Slow connection to Intranet server

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This is my first post - so bear with me.

I work for a school district. This posting is filled with "Intranet"
and "Internet" - please read carefully.

We have a web server running Windows Server 2003 and IIS 6.0
We also have an Intranet server running Windows Server 2003 and IIS 6.0

I have a Desktop machine that is in the DMZ. (webmaster's computer)

This webmaster machine (running windows XP and Frontpage 2003) was able
to connect via frontpage to the Intranet server and Internet server to
modify pages just fine. It was also able to browse the internet and
intranet sites via Internet Explorer just fine. However, a few nasty
viruses got to it (somehow) and had to be reformated. Upon reformat,
the computer name that was given to the machine was different than what
it was before the reformat.

No networking cards, office locations, DMZ equipment/settings, or
anything at all was changed with the server equipment.

The newly reformated webmaster computer was reinstalled with XP, and
all office 2003 suites. It can browse the internet and intranet sites
via Internet Explorer at blazing speeds. It can connect to the internet
server via frontpage at blazing speeds. Only problem at all is when
connecting to the intranet server via frontpage - it takes forever.
Saving simple html page takes forever.

The size of the Intranet webs are really small, and shouldn't be a
problem, as they worked fine before the reformat of the webmaster

Heres a interesting fact: Any other machine on the network (outside the
DMZ) running any version of frontpage can connect to the Intranet
server and modify pages and save items at blazing fast speeds. It's
just this one machine inside the DMZ that got reformatted that is now
slow when connecting to the Intranet server via frontpage.

Is this an issue with the Intranet server not recognizing the new
computer name? If so- I'd think it would throw back an access denied

Any advice is greatly appreciated!
OK- I just figured out that apparently it's the Windows Firewall that's
causing the problem... If you don't want to disable the firewall,
simply connect to the server via "nethood" or "Network neighborhood"
and loginto the server once. From them on, you'll be lightning speed
until you log off windows. (and have to repeate)
But you will be publishing to a disc based web, and that means such
items that require the extensions (hit counter, forms, discussion web,
guestbook) will fail.
All of our extensions are working. The only problem was getting this
specific machine, inside our DMZ to connect (and authenticate) on onto
server. I reformatted the machine, and didn't go with the machine's
origional name, and for whatever reason, it attempts to have FP
authenticate every single action unless I manually go into Network
Connections and disable the firewall, or Ping the server once.

I don' t know how to get around it. Every other machine on our network
works fine (although none of them have been reformated since I started