FP and PPt slides- tansparent



I am working in PPt2003 and FrontPage 2003. I created some animated slides
in PPT and published them as web pages. They are linked in the FP website I
created to show in a frame (menu frame on left, display frame on right). I
want to keep the same background picture in the display frame for all slides
reduce the website size and download time. How can I make the PPt web page
transparent or use the same background picture for all of the slides? Each
slide is its own htm file.

Again, my goal is to reduce the size and download time for the website.

Jack Brewster

I'm not certain if you can do this straight out of PPT. You may be able
to hack the generated .html files to all point to the same background
image, or none at all if that's what you prefer.

You should try asking this in the PPT group.


Not for sure but you might be able to use CSS
Using an external style sheet...
This will make the body (background) of the page the same on all of them
(using the same image.) After the first page loads the others will draw the
image from the browsers cache..

body {
background-attachment: scroll;
background-color: #FFFFFF;
background-image: url('images/yourimagename.jpg');
background-repeat: repeat;
color: White;

Put that in a text file (notepad) then "save as" name.css
Import this file into FrontPage...
Then link this file to all of the PPt pages
Format>Style Sheet Links

Just a thought

|I am working in PPt2003 and FrontPage 2003. I created some animated slides
| in PPT and published them as web pages. They are linked in the FP website
| created to show in a frame (menu frame on left, display frame on right).
| want to keep the same background picture in the display frame for all
| to
| reduce the website size and download time. How can I make the PPt web
| transparent or use the same background picture for all of the slides?
| slide is its own htm file.
| Again, my goal is to reduce the size and download time for the website.

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