Make sure if you are running Norton IS you turn it off before publishing
- I have seen NIS consider the .mdb as an attack and cause FP to generate that error
The posters didn't say it was impossible to open the .mdb from a live site in FP,
- they said don't do it because it can corrupt the site/mdb or lock up your site
(especially if anyone is using it at same time)
- always safest to export/import and preferably stop the site before importing
| Well, guys, as my dad always said, "The Thot plickens!"
| First to answer your questions:
| YOU ASKED: Please explain exactly what you mean by this. For example, are
| you opening your local site in FrontPage, then switching to Remote Site View,
| then
| right-clicking the .mdb file on the Remote site and publishing it to the
| local site?
| Not exactly. About two weeks ago, I swear I opened the site's database from
| within FP, from the live site, even though the threads I've read here say
| that's impossible. In any event, what I am doing is opening my live site in
| FP and selecting "Publish Site" to my local server. It goes through all of
| the dialogues about conflicting files and so forth then begins to publish.
| It appears to get hung up at the .mdb file and in a minute or two, I get the
| "Server Error: Client Closed Connection."
| Or are you publishing the whole remote site to local?
| Or are you trying to retrieve the file bb FTP?
| NO
| Or are you trhing to open the .mdb file by specifying an http:// address in
| Access?
| NO
| But here's where it gets curious: in frustration, I went to another computer
| on our home network, fired up FP and published the live site to my hard drive
| with no problems whatsoever. This suggests to me that something is going on
| with the machine from which I was originally trying to publish the site. But
| I am thoroughly flummoxed as to what it might be. I sure don't want to have
| to go to the other computer everytime I want to publish the site for backup
| purposes.
| Any ideas?--
| David Kirk
| "Jim Buyens" wrote:
| >
| >
| > "David Kirk" wrote:
| >
| > > After attempting to open an mdb file on my live site using FP2003, I get the
| > > error "Server error: client closed connection" a short while after I start to
| > > publish from the live site to my hard drive.
| >
| > Please explain exactly what you mean by this. For example, are you opening
| > your local site in FrontPage, then switching to Remote Site View, then
| > right-clicking the .mdb file on the Remote site and publishing it to the
| > local site?
| >
| > Or are you publishing the whole remote site to local?
| >
| > Or are you trying to retrieve the file bb FTP?
| >
| > Or are you trhing to open the .mdb file by specifying an http:// address in
| > Access?
| >
| > Or something else?
| >
| > > I've read another thread here
| > > that suggests to me that the mdb file, which apparently can no longer be
| > > opened directly in FP2003, must be corrupt or locked or something to that
| > > effect. That thread suggested asking my host to delete the file frontpg.lck.
| >
| > frontpg.lck has nothing to do with .mdb files.
| >
| > Basically, the server extensions on the target site create a frontpg.lck
| > file whenever you start a Publish operation. They delete it when the Publish
| > ends. The presence of the frontpg.lck keeps anyone else from publishing to
| > the same site at the same time.
| >
| > Occasionally, a Publish operation may fail part way through and not delete
| > the frontpg.lck file. In that case, you may not be able to publish until a
| > server admin deletes the frontpg.lck file manually.
| >
| > > Yet I have info on other non MS FP sites that have complete references to
| > > the entire erorr message above, that I should recalculate hyperlinks (did it;
| > > same problem) and turn off my Norton file wall (did it; same problem). Since
| > > I don't really understand what the frontpg.lck file is or does and since the
| > > database contains all the data in my site's forums (membership, message
| > > strings, newsletter subscription database, etc., etc. I don't want to fool
| > > around with solutions I don't fully understand. Help??
| > > --
| > > David Kirk
| >
| > Jim Buyens
| > Microsoft MVP
| >
| > Author of:
| > *-----------------------------Â-----------------------
| > |\----------------------------Â-----------------------
| > || Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services Inside Out
| > || Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003 Inside Out
| > ||----------------------------Â-----------------------
| > || Web Database Development Step by Step .NET Edition
| > || Microsoft FrontPage Version 2002 Inside Out
| > || Faster Smarter Beginning Programming
| > || (All from Microsoft Press)
| > |/----------------------------Â-----------------------
| > *-----------------------------Â-----------------------
| >