FP 2002 Form Email From Network User Address




Does anyone know of a way to use windows authentication to
display the senders email address in the from line of a
user submitted email FP form?

The FP forms work fine and send the email form results,
but as you know the server is sending the email and I must
specify a "from" email address in the results wizzard.

The reason I think this may be possible as I am behind a
firewall at my job on a network of 600 users that all have
to login using windows authentication to the network.

Currently, as I need to see whom sent the email in the
from line for a quick reply, I use a simple mailto:
powered by outlook. <form method="post"
action="mailto:[email protected]?Subject=my

I would rather use the FP forms as the format and look is
much better.

Thanks for any help or ideas in advance.

Jim Buyens

-----Original Message-----

Does anyone know of a way to use windows authentication
to display the senders email address in the from line of
a user submitted email FP form?

If you remove anonymous access to a FrontPage Web site,
an ASP page can get the current username via the


This may contain a "bare" username, domain\username, or
(e-mail address removed). But if, after cleanup, this equals
the e-mail address, there you are.

If the e-mail address is something else, you'll have to
call some service that translates username to e-mail
address. For example, you could look up the information
in Active Directory.

Once you have the e-mail address, you would format the
body of the message, then use the CDONTS.NewMail or
CDO.Message object to send it.

Jim Buyens
Microsoft FrontPage MVP
Author of:
|| Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003 Inside Out
|| Web Database Development Step by Step .NET Edition
|| Microsoft FrontPage Version 2002 Inside Out
|| Faster Smarter Beginning Programming
|| (All from Microsoft Press)


Thanks for the Help Jim! I have your FP 2002 book and it
helps every day! Have a safe and Happy New Year!


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