FP 03 can't find temp files


Wally S

Sometimes with FP 03 I get the following type of error while working in a
web and trying to open a page:

"couldn't open file C:\documents and settings\wally\local Settings\Temporary
Internet Files\FrontPage Temp Dir\e3c2d5a2.htm"

(Not always that file name, but the same error) If I click ok, the message
comes up again, maybe 2 or 3 times, and then the page loads. Sometimes it's
just one page, sometimes all of them. If I check the temp folder, there is
nothing there even though I have not deleted anything. If I close FP and
restart it, then everything works normally again. I never had this problem
with FP 2000.

Everything else works okay. Running Windows 2000 with service pack 4 on an
IBM Thinkpad with 1 gig of ram.


Wally S

Wally S

So I was looking in the wrong temp file. I was looking in C:\Documents and
Settings\wally\Local Settings\Temp\FrontPageTempDir, and always found
nothing. It seems that FP 03 puts the temp files in the folder mentioned
below: C:\documents and settings\wally\local Settings\Temporary Internet
Files\FrontPage Temp Dir.

But when I hit the "delete temporary files" button, it does not delete the
files in this folder. Anyway, the problem has not hapened again since I
posted my message here, and I cannot make it happen on purpose.


Steve Easton

The Delete files button in FP 2003 only deletes the *.web files for the
The files in C:\documents and settings\wally\local Settings\Temporary
Internet Files\FrontPage Temp Dir.

Are *normally* automatically deleted as you save a page after editing. FP
2002 didn't *automatically* do this.

Steve Easton
Microsoft MVP FrontPage
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Wally S


Wally S

Steve Easton said:
The Delete files button in FP 2003 only deletes the *.web files for the
The files in C:\documents and settings\wally\local Settings\Temporary
Internet Files\FrontPage Temp Dir.

Are *normally* automatically deleted as you save a page after editing. FP
2002 didn't *automatically* do this.

Steve Easton
Microsoft MVP FrontPage
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.......................with a computer

in there on

Kathleen Anderson [MVP - FP]

Hi Wally:
A number of us have experienced this problem - we don't have a solution
except to keep clicking OK until the error message stops, switch to Code
view, then back to Design view, and click View Refresh. We have passed all
this information on to Microsoft and they are looking into it.

Wally S

Hi, Kathleen,

Thanks for the info. It's nice to know I'm not alone. Other than this, I
haven't had any problems with FP 03. It's really smooth.

Wally S

chris leeds

I noticed it too. doesn't seem to do much but annoy. using an include page
(fp include) brought it on for me.

The email address on this posting is a "black hole". I got tired of all the
Please feel free to contact me here:


I just submitted something about this. I get the same error message when I click on the webpage to view it. It is very annoying since I use the include command about 10 times on each page through out the page. So you can image the frustration. 2002 never had this problem. Unless it can be fixed or deactivated, I will have to revert back to 2002.

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