Windows Vista "Foxit" advice appreciated


Crunchy Cat
Jun 1, 2006
Reaction score
I have seen "Foxit" recommended by a few of you here, so have just downloaded Foxit PDF Reader 2.2 build 2129 from C|net, to give it a try.

I've not actually installed it yet though, because I have quite a few saved "Adobe Files" such as user manuals for various things (some of which are far too big to print off.) What I'm wondering, is what happens to these if I uninstall Adobe Reader? Common sense tells me that they will go too, but is that correct?

Can any of you who are using Foxit offer any advice please?

Thanks guys :wave:
... what happens to these if I uninstall Adobe Reader?
Nothing, nada, zilch ... everyone would soon be up in arms if after uninstalling Adobe junk it then took all your files also. ;)

Imagine Office doing that too, uninstall Office & install OpenOffice only to find you have no files left. :lol:

Take it from me, the sooner you uninstall Adobe Reader the better ... then install Foxit and see how quick every PDF opens. :nod:

If the files have a *.pdf extension and are stored in their own folder elsewhere than within Adobe Reader - which is unlikely - you'll be fine.

*.pdf documents are files in their own write, they won't disappear with Adobe Reader.

Uninstall Adobe first and check Program Files within the Adobe folder as well and delete there if necessary.

Then when you install Foxit it will either be the default pdf file reader or you'll be given the choice during install to make it so.
muckshifter said:
Take it from me, the sooner you uninstall Adobe Reader the better ... then install Foxit and see how quick every PDF opens.

I took Mucks' advice and got rid of Adobe and downloaded Foxit. :nod:

It's a super programme :thumb: And takes up MUCH less space on your hard drive. :thumb:
Oh thank you all for the help and for explaining things so clearly :thumb: :D

I have to say that Adobe does seem "clunky" after reading about Foxit :thumb: so I shall get on an install it.

Thanks again to you all :wave:
Wow! Simply amazing! I cannot believe how quickl and painless that was :) and all files still intact too :thumb: No wonder you've all been recommending it.

Thanks again :D