Found this on one of my worksheets ????

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mike
  • Start date Start date
It takes the contents of cell G22 and divides them by the contents of cell
E22. If you copy this across to the right, the formula will then take the
contents of cell H22 and divide by E22. This is because the dollar signs make
E22 and asbolute reference that does not change when you copy the formula.
G22 is called a relative refernce and always changes relative to the cell
which has the formula.

If this helps please click "Yes"
It takes the contents of cell G22 and divides it by the contents of $E$22 and
displays those results in the cell with that formula.

The difference between G22 and $E$22 is that $E$22 is an 'absolute'
reference, meaning that if you were to insert new columns to the left of
column E or above row 22, then the formula would then use the contents of the
"new" E22 to do the division, but it would follow G22 to where ever it had
moved to after the insertion or deletion of new rows/columns.
Hi Mike,

=G22/$E$22 means G22 is to be devided by E22
More Info :
By putting $, user has freezed the column & row by which he wants to cell to
be devided. If u drag down the contents of the cell, G22 will change but
later won't change since it has been freezed by putting $ against row no. &
column heading.