I set the word document up as a template (.dot)
then on my access form I created a command button and
made it invisible then...
dim odoc as commandbutton
set odoc = me.command0
with odoc
.Hyperlinkaddress("Path and file name")
end with
This open the word template. On the open event of the
template I added a macro...
this merges then closes the doc.
I have only one more thing
when it opens the doc it asks to enable macros - can I do
that in code?
then on my access form I created a command button and
made it invisible then...
dim odoc as commandbutton
set odoc = me.command0
with odoc
.Hyperlinkaddress("Path and file name")
end with
This open the word template. On the open event of the
template I added a macro...
this merges then closes the doc.
I have only one more thing
when it opens the doc it asks to enable macros - can I do
that in code?