Forwarding Vcards

  • Thread starter Thread starter BadgerWI
  • Start date Start date


Dear Folks,

From time to time, when I'm preparing a message to John Doe, I would like to
forward a vcard, or contact information for Jane Doe to John.

I'm aware that if I start with the contact screen, I can forward that
contact information to another recipient. But how can I easily forward
contact information once I've already started an email message?

Minimise the message you are creating so that it is in a box on the Windows
task bar at the bottom of the screen, go to your contacts and drag a contact
down to the message box on the task bar, keeping your mouse button down and
hovering over the message until it eventually maximises. You can now
release the mouse button and the contact will be attached to your e-mail as
a vCard.

Andrea Jones
Sorry, correction to that, don't minimise the mail message, just click on
the main Outlook window behind the message (you may need to resize it to do
this), the message is now on the Windows task bar but will maximise
eventually if you drag a contact over it.

Andrea Jones