When you forward a calendar item (by right-clicking it, and selecting
Forward) to someone, shouldn't that person be able to open that attachment,
do a "save and close", and it get posted to their calendar?
If that is wat it is suppose to do, then why would the attachemnt not save
for us? We want it to update the recipiants calendar.
We are running office 2003 on both PC's, and when I open the attachment, it
looks good, but doesn't save to my calendar.
What am I doing wrong?
Forward) to someone, shouldn't that person be able to open that attachment,
do a "save and close", and it get posted to their calendar?
If that is wat it is suppose to do, then why would the attachemnt not save
for us? We want it to update the recipiants calendar.
We are running office 2003 on both PC's, and when I open the attachment, it
looks good, but doesn't save to my calendar.
What am I doing wrong?