Forwarding a response to a voting box back to original recipient plus another person

  • Thread starter Thread starter shaz_rutherford
  • Start date Start date


I am using a holiday request form which I downloaded from a website

The person fills in holiday information and sends to his/her manager t

The manager accepts/declines the holiday request and the form i
bounced back to the originator to let him/her know of the result.

I am wanting to be able to send the response to another perso
(preferrably only 1 person) who is not the originator.

Is there anyway of doing this, either using vbscript. If so any hel
would be appreciated.

Presumably the form has script that runs when the Accept or Decline button is clicked. That script would be in the Item_CustomAction event handler; that's where your code would need to set the address for the outgoing response item.
Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Outlook and Exchange solutions at
Author of
Microsoft Outlook Programming: Jumpstart
for Administrators, Power Users, and Developers
This is what is in the code window. I have got the cc: field to work but it sends the request to the cc: not the response from the sent to: field.

Function Item_CustomAction(ByVal Action, ByVal NewItem)

select case Action.Name
case "Approve"
item.userproperties.find("Approved") = true
Actions.Item("Approve").Enabled = False
Actions.Item("Deny").Enabled = False
NewItem.Body = "Your request from " & (item.userproperties.find("Days Off From")) & " to " & (item.userproperties.find("Days Off To")) & "for " & (item.userproperties.find("Totaldays"))& " days leave has been approved."
case "Deny"
item.userproperties.find("Denied") = true
Actions.Item("Approve").Enabled = False
Actions.Item("Deny").Enabled = False
NewItem.Body = "Your request from " & (item.userproperties.find("Days Off From")) & " to " & (item.userproperties.find("Days Off To")) & "for " & (item.userproperties.find("Totaldays"))& " days leave has been denied."
end select


Item_CustomAction = true

End Function