We have W2K, native mode, internal network (192.168.etc.etc) with 2 DNS
servers, AD integrated. On the original DNS server, we have a "forwarder'
to Cox, our ISP.
We used another DC to be a second DNS, so that we would have redundancy. In
in effort to also provide Internet resolution, we made the second DNS box a
forwarder to the same Cox outside DNS server. Our intention naturally, is
that if the first box goes down, name resolution, inside & out, will work.
A "learn-ed" friend sates that by having more than 1 internal DNS server,
that has a forwarder to the external IPS provider's DNS, confuses the
internal clients.
ANY thoughts would be very appriciated! I unchecked the second DNS from
bing a forwarder for now.
Thanks!!!! Bill
We have W2K, native mode, internal network (192.168.etc.etc) with 2 DNS
servers, AD integrated. On the original DNS server, we have a "forwarder'
to Cox, our ISP.
We used another DC to be a second DNS, so that we would have redundancy. In
in effort to also provide Internet resolution, we made the second DNS box a
forwarder to the same Cox outside DNS server. Our intention naturally, is
that if the first box goes down, name resolution, inside & out, will work.
A "learn-ed" friend sates that by having more than 1 internal DNS server,
that has a forwarder to the external IPS provider's DNS, confuses the
internal clients.
ANY thoughts would be very appriciated! I unchecked the second DNS from
bing a forwarder for now.
Thanks!!!! Bill