Forum Guidlines / Rules Update

*Chris is busy giggling like a schoolgirl*

They have the ability to edit/delete posts, to move, close or delete topics, to temporarily moderate users’ posts and have a very effective BAN button. Our moderators are equipped with Kevlar flak jackets and an unlimited supply of Admin bricks. Do not attempt to engage them in direct combat, especially muckshifer.
Oh dear - Mesh will be pleased about this :p

Statements such as 'Don't buy from retailer x as they are a bunch of lying cowboys', and someone replies 'thanks for the warning, I was going to buy from them but will go elsewhere', then the first post has led to a loss of business from the retailer and is therefore DEFAMATION and ILLEGAL.
Adywebb said:
Oh dear - Mesh will be pleased about this :p
Constructive Criticism is still allowed ;) Just no unsubstantiated claims such as "don't buy from xxx as they are rubbish" with nothing else :)
Ian Cunningham said:
Constructive Criticism is still allowed ;) Just no unsubstantiated claims such as "don't buy from xxx as they are rubbish" with nothing else :)

Looks like Flops could be in trouble again! - mind you could also be construed as constructive (and true):D

floppybootstomp said:
And FWIW - Intel suck :p
I'll just throw a few bricks around ... no problem.

Hey Ian,

I don't trust Mucks with those bricks! He should be wearing the kind of jacket worn by loonies in PINK rooms :D
Quadophile said:
Hey Ian,

I don't trust Mucks with those bricks! He should be wearing the kind of jacket worn by loonies in PINK rooms :D
PINK! ... they were all white the ones I have been in. :rolleyes:

itsme said:
Chicken:D i`m in a fowl mood:D
Always induce spelling mistakes ... makes people re-read just to look for more ... They then may injest what has been written.

All read, but I can't guarantee that it's understood Mr Mucks, Sir.;)

I will do my best ...:D
CITech said:
All read, but I can't guarantee that it's understood Mr Mucks, Sir.;)

I will do my best ...:D
It don't matter ... if you find one of your threads closed or you cannot access the forum you know you did wrong. :thumb:

muckshifter said:
Always induce spelling mistakes ... makes people re-read just to look for more ... They then may injest what has been written.


Get it injest (ingest) Chicken, Food, Eat, Take in?

Ahhh Mucks you still have a sense of Humour thats fabulous ;) LOL
TriplexDread said:
Get it injest (ingest) Chicken, Food, Eat, Take in?

Ahhh Mucks you still have a sense of Humour thats fabulous ;) LOL
I have loads of 'spelling miss-takes' ... it lets me 'see' who is paying attention.

TriplexDread said:
Get it injest (ingest) Chicken, Food, Eat, Take in?

Ahhh Mucks you still have a sense of Humour thats fabulous ;) LOL

ROFL, thanks Triplex... I missed that one altogther :rolleyes:

mucks... I would *groan* if I weren't to busy sniggering :D
good one :thumb: