


I have the following formula inserted into a cell. I know it works because
it returns the correct value.


I now need to copy this same formula in the same column over about 700 rows
of data. The "K4" will obviously change since that's the value I'm looking
for, but how do I lock the range table, i.e. "A3:C714", so it won't increase
when I copy the formulas down? Also, is there something I need to do in
Paste Special to make the formula work in the other rows? I've tried
everything and I can't get the formula to copy correctly. I obviously don't
want to retype it 700 times.

Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.


Use absolute cell referencing. Like this:


The $ symbol locks the cell reference so that it won't increment when copied.

$A3 would lock just the column
A$3 would lock just the row
$A$3 locks both row and column



replace your form with:


now the K4 will change, but the lookup table will not

Dave Peterson


The $ fixes that range so that the address (either row or column or both) won't
change when you copy that formula.


That worked great...with one exception. When I click the bottom left corner
of the cell and drag it down the column, the formula copies correctly but the
returned value is incorrect. The formula copies correctly but it won't
return the correct value unless I click on the formula bar and then hit
enter. I don't have to change anything in the formula itself, just
highlighting the formula bar and then hitting ENTER corrects the returned
value. Any trick to doing that all at once?


Your calculation is probably set to manual. Tools |Options |Calculation
(Check Automatic)...

F9 will do a one time calc for you...


Is there a way to get the cell # that you want to return data from to change
as you copy it across several columns? (i.e. ",3,false) ,4, false) .5,false))


You can use the Row() function for that...

=VLOOKUP(K4,$A$3:$C$714,Row() - 1,FALSE)

Note that this makes the function volatile though which could negatively
effect performance...


Actually, if copying across columns, you'd want to use the COLUMN() function
rather than ROW().

COLUMN(C:C) would return a value of 3 (since C is the third column). When
copied to the right, C:C would increment to D:D and thus return 4, etc...



Ooops. I was thinking about the first post where the op was copying down
rows... My Bad. Thanks for catching that...

To avoid the performance hit associated with column() and row() functions
(volatile) you might consider just putting the number you want into a cell
and dragging it to increment the value. You can then just (relative)
reference the cell.

Gord Dibben

One more method assuming your table width is more than 2 columns.

Select D1:H1

In D1 enter =VLOOKUP(K4,$A$3:$C$714,{2,3,4,5,6},FALSE)

CTRL + SHIFT + ENTER as it is an array formula.

BUT note that your original lookup table was only 3 columns wide so you would
have to increase that table size to have any need to copy across more than two

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP


Sorry for the blank post...

I ran into a similar problem today. I have my calculation set to automatic.
I was using the following formula: =IF(A2="C",$C$1*B2,$D$1*B2)

It gave me the correct value for the row I was in. As I clicked that cell on
the bottom right corner and dragged it down the column, it copied the formula
correctly (noting both the relative and absolute references), but the value
that appeared in each cell was the calculation from the first formula. In
other words, in the first cell, I would see 48.9671, and after copying the
formula, it showed as 48.9671 in each of the concurrent cells.

Again, I made sure that automatic calculation was enabled. I tried opening a
new workbook from the workbook I was working, copying the data and
re-entering and copying the formula - same results. Then I opened another
instance of Excel from the start menu and copied the data, re-entered the
formula and copied. This time it worked. The workbook that I was working in
was sent to me from another organization, but it was created through DTS for
either SQL Server or Oracle, or Pervasive....I know they're using a SQL
engine, just not sure which one. I was hoping somebody might have some
insight into what's going on with this specific workbook. Oh, also forgot to
mention, in our office 2007 suite, we have our default set to save in
compatibility mode for 2003 users in our outside offices.

Dave Peterson

And remember that you have to have enough columns in the lookup range.

For instance, you couldn't return column 6 from A3:C714 (3 columns wide).

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