Paul Bleijlevens
I have a workbook with 12 sheets.
Every sheet is 1 month of the year.
On every sheet there are names of peoples that work in our company in column
In column B till AF there are the days 1 .. 31.
If someone has a planned vacation, on the specific day will be a V.
Now a want a total of the V's that every body has planned.
Is there a arrayformula that I can use for this????
PS: The names are not in the same order in the different sheets......
This means on the sheet Januari person 1 could be on row 10 and in
Februari he can be located on row 20 or maybe 40.
Thanks in advance,
Paul Bleijlevens
Every sheet is 1 month of the year.
On every sheet there are names of peoples that work in our company in column
In column B till AF there are the days 1 .. 31.
If someone has a planned vacation, on the specific day will be a V.
Now a want a total of the V's that every body has planned.
Is there a arrayformula that I can use for this????
PS: The names are not in the same order in the different sheets......
This means on the sheet Januari person 1 could be on row 10 and in
Februari he can be located on row 20 or maybe 40.
Thanks in advance,
Paul Bleijlevens