calculte the balance into h5 so that it can be copied to cells H6 to
H12. for any row, the balance is the balance from the previous row plus
ant amounts paid-in anf less any payments for stationary, postage and
sudries. In h4 there is a balance of $32.00 do i add paid-ins to this
than minus the pay outs? hope you can help me with this thank you for
any help i can get with this problem.
H12. for any row, the balance is the balance from the previous row plus
ant amounts paid-in anf less any payments for stationary, postage and
sudries. In h4 there is a balance of $32.00 do i add paid-ins to this
than minus the pay outs? hope you can help me with this thank you for
any help i can get with this problem.