Hi Simon,
Here be the function just in case.
(Again...there may be more clever
methods out there)
Public Function fRoundCur(Curr As Currency) As Currency
Dim intMod As Integer
intMod = 5 - (((CLng(Curr * 100)) Mod 10) Mod 5)
'intMod will be 1,2,3,4, or 5, and except for "5,"
'represents what we want to add to (Curr*100) to round up
Select Case intMod
Case 5
fRoundCur = Curr
Case 1 To 4
fRoundCur = CCur((CLng(Curr * 100) + intMod) / 100)
Case Else
fRoundCur = 9999999.99
End Select
End Function
Gary Walter said:
I need a formula to use in a query to round UP a currency
value to the nearest .05
Ie. £ 1.01 to £ 1.05
£ 1.04 to £ 1.05
£ 1.06 to £ 1.10
Hi Simon,
There may be simpler method(s)
out there, but here be one way.
I constructed a table ("tblCur")
with one field ("Curr") ranging from
1.00 to 1.99 incrementing by .01.
Expr6 in the following query performs
the rounding as you describe. I included
other "Exprx"'s to show what we get as
we build the expression.
SELECT tblCur.Curr,
CCur((CLng([Curr]*100)+IIf(((CLng([Curr]*100)) Mod 10)
Mod 5=0,0,5-((CLng([Curr]*100)) Mod 10) Mod 5))/100) AS Expr6,
CLng([Curr]*100) AS x1,
(CLng([Curr]*100)) Mod 10 AS x2,
((CLng([Curr]*100)) Mod 10) Mod 5 AS x3,
IIf(((CLng([Curr]*100)) Mod 10)
Mod 5=0,0,5-((CLng([Curr]*100)) Mod 10) Mod 5) AS x4,
CLng([Curr]*100)+IIf(((CLng([Curr]*100)) Mod 10)
Mod 5=0,0,5-((CLng([Curr]*100)) Mod 10) Mod 5) AS x5
FROM tblCur;
Curr Expr6 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5
$1.00 $1.00 100 0 0 0 100
$1.01 $1.05 101 1 1 4 105
$1.02 $1.05 102 2 2 3 105
$1.03 $1.05 103 3 3 2 105
$1.04 $1.05 104 4 4 1 105
$1.05 $1.05 105 5 0 0 105
$1.06 $1.10 106 6 1 4 110
$1.89 $1.90 189 9 4 1 190
$1.90 $1.90 190 0 0 0 190
$1.91 $1.95 191 1 1 4 195
$1.92 $1.95 192 2 2 3 195
$1.93 $1.95 193 3 3 2 195
$1.94 $1.95 194 4 4 1 195
$1.95 $1.95 195 5 0 0 195
$1.96 $2.00 196 6 1 4 200
$1.97 $2.00 197 7 2 3 200
$1.98 $2.00 198 8 3 2 200
$1.99 $2.00 199 9 4 1 200
From the "Exprx"'s, you may see that
this could easily be "transferred" to a
user-defined function using Case stmt.
If you would like to go that route, please
respond back.
Good luck,
Gary Walter