(CDbl((Format(Now(),"mm"))-2) Mod 12)+1
All I want is last month. IF this month is january, (1) I want
December, (12).
This formula should take care of of all that. If I put it as an
Expression in a field, It works fine. I get the number corrospondnig to
last month.
If I put it in into the criteria section, I don't get squat. If I put
what it resolves to in teh criteria section, it works fine. What
gives? Any Ideas?
All I want is last month. IF this month is january, (1) I want
December, (12).
This formula should take care of of all that. If I put it as an
Expression in a field, It works fine. I get the number corrospondnig to
last month.
If I put it in into the criteria section, I don't get squat. If I put
what it resolves to in teh criteria section, it works fine. What
gives? Any Ideas?