Formula to Enter Part Number, cell equals discription and price o.



I have a Parts list on one worksheet (Computer Parts). I want to be able to
enter a part number on another worksheet to figure the cost of building a PC
i. e.
Case: Part Number=1001 Spiderman Case Cost $45.00
Case: Part Number=1002 ATX Beige Case Cost $38.00
Case: Part Number=1003 Demon Case Cost $69.00

I want to enter the "Part Number" of each item (Case, Hard Drive,
Motherboard, etc) and have the discription and price enter automatically in
the cells I setup. I can't get the Formula right! Can anyone help? Thank you.


One way ..

Assuming your reference data is
in Sheet1, cols A to C, data from row2 down, viz.:

Part# Name Cost
1001 Spider $45.00
1002 ATX B $38.00
1003 Demon $69.00

In Sheet2
With the same headers in A1:C1, viz.:
Part# Name Cost

and you'll list the Part#s in A2 down

Put in B2:


Copy B2 across to C2, and fill down to a safe max
expected number of rows, say down to C100 ?

Format col C as currency

Blanks "" will be returned for any unmatched items in col A
(instead of #NAs)
xl 97
Please respond in thread
xdemechanik <at>yahoo<dot>com
Melange said:
I have a Parts list on one worksheet (Computer Parts). I want to be able to
enter a part number on another worksheet to figure the cost of building a PC
i. e.
Case: Part Number=1001 Spiderman Case Cost $45.00
Case: Part Number=1002 ATX Beige Case Cost $38.00
Case: Part Number=1003 Demon Case Cost $69.00

I want to enter the "Part Number" of each item (Case, Hard Drive,
Motherboard, etc) and have the discription and price enter automatically in
the cells I setup. I can't get the Formula right! Can anyone help? Thank


Parts list on Sheet1

Labels in Row1,
Part numbers in ColumnA, from A2:A100.
Description in ColumnB, from B2:B100
Price in ColumnC, from C2:C100

Pricing sheet on Sheet2.

Row1 labels
Key in part number in A2,

Enter this formula in B2, to display description:

Enter this formula in C2, to display price:

You can select both B2 and C2, and drag down to copy as needed.


Please keep all correspondence within the Group, so all may benefit!

I have a Parts list on one worksheet (Computer Parts). I want to be able to
enter a part number on another worksheet to figure the cost of building a PC
i. e.
Case: Part Number=1001 Spiderman Case Cost $45.00
Case: Part Number=1002 ATX Beige Case Cost $38.00
Case: Part Number=1003 Demon Case Cost $69.00

I want to enter the "Part Number" of each item (Case, Hard Drive,
Motherboard, etc) and have the discription and price enter automatically in
the cells I setup. I can't get the Formula right! Can anyone help? Thank

Bas Mekel

Hi Melange,
As long as your first column contains partnumbers and a column right
from it contains the price is possible with the VLOOKUP function.
Please check the Excel Help for more details about this function.
Hope this helps!

- Bas

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