I just joined the forum and searched for what I'm looking for bu
couldn't find it, so if it exists please point me to the thread.
In an effort to make a chart more automated, I need a formula to do th
Q5:Q185 has a due date for delivery
AP5:AP185 has the number of days late (if it was shipped late) (this i
a formula I already figured out)
What I need is a formula to count how many rows have a date (fro
column Q) between a range (Say for January 1/1/04 - 2/1/04) AND has
of days late between another range (1-7 days). I know that th
following formula will count just the second part, but won't take int
account the date range from column Q:
I ultimately can use this formula to make a chart with Months on th
x-axis and number of units late on the y-axis but split up by colo
based on the age late.
Thanks for any help.
couldn't find it, so if it exists please point me to the thread.
In an effort to make a chart more automated, I need a formula to do th
Q5:Q185 has a due date for delivery
AP5:AP185 has the number of days late (if it was shipped late) (this i
a formula I already figured out)
What I need is a formula to count how many rows have a date (fro
column Q) between a range (Say for January 1/1/04 - 2/1/04) AND has
of days late between another range (1-7 days). I know that th
following formula will count just the second part, but won't take int
account the date range from column Q:
I ultimately can use this formula to make a chart with Months on th
x-axis and number of units late on the y-axis but split up by colo
based on the age late.
Thanks for any help.