I have a formula that works fine in the report footer (with the
addition of the Sum Fx where appropriate) but bombs by showing #Error
when it is in the detail of the report.
The formula is: =IIf([Minutes]\60>=1,[Minutes]\60 & " Hr " & [Minutes]
Mod 60 & " Min",[Minutes] Mod 60 & " Min")
[Minutes] is an integer.
When it is placed in the report footer as:
=IIf(Sum([Minutes])\60>=1,Sum([Minutes])\60 & " Hr " & Sum([Minutes])
Mod 60 & " Min",Sum([Minutes]) Mod 60 & " Min")
it works fine.
addition of the Sum Fx where appropriate) but bombs by showing #Error
when it is in the detail of the report.
The formula is: =IIf([Minutes]\60>=1,[Minutes]\60 & " Hr " & [Minutes]
Mod 60 & " Min",[Minutes] Mod 60 & " Min")
[Minutes] is an integer.
When it is placed in the report footer as:
=IIf(Sum([Minutes])\60>=1,Sum([Minutes])\60 & " Hr " & Sum([Minutes])
Mod 60 & " Min",Sum([Minutes]) Mod 60 & " Min")
it works fine.