Formula Question

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Can someone tell me what a " mark in this formula means?

Example: =IF(G40:G52)>0,SUM(G40:G52),"")
Where in FrontPage are you doing this?

Tom [Pepper] Willett
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage Since 1997
: Can someone tell me what a " mark in this formula means?
: Example: =IF(G40:G52)>0,SUM(G40:G52),"")
: --
: clacount
Nothing to do with FrontPage, but if written correctly as
the expression means:
If the sum of the values in the cells G40 through G52 is more than 0, then
display that value, otherwise display an empty string ("" appears as blank

An Excel newsgroup or forum is a better place for this type of question.
Ron Symonds
Microsoft MVP (Expression Web)

Reply only to group - emails will be deleted unread.
It means nothing or zero. The formula says that if CELLS G40 TO G52
contains numbers greater than 0, than find total of them else just enter
nothing or zero.

Is this anything to do with FP? I have only used such formulas in Excel
but in FP you may want to use JavaScript. Please let us know.

Sorry, must have clicked off Excel tab and on FrontPage without realizing it.
Thanks for the info.
Can someone tell me what a " mark in this formula means?

Example: =IF(G40:G52)>0,SUM(G40:G52),"")

It is not an empty string as others have stated. It is a cell with
nothing in it which Excel treats differently to empty. You can check
this with the isempty (sp?) query.
Sorry, I must have clicked on the FrontPage tab rather than Excel and didn't
notice what I had done. Thanks for the response.