Whe n you don't spesify what property to be used, the object's default will
be used. For cells that's Value. But what happens here is that Excel
recognizes a value starting with = to be a formula, so she makes it a
So in this case it makes no difference for entry, but for retrieval and
manipulation it's crucial. Note the last part of this little demo:
Sub test()
MsgBox "Will execute: Range(""a10"") = ""= a2 + a3 + a5"""
Range("a10") = "= a2 + a3 + a5"
MsgBox "Range(""a10""): " & Range("a10"), , _
"Not what you said a10 it should be ?"
MsgBox "Range(""a10"").Formula: " & _
Range("a10").Formula & Chr(10) & _
"Range(""a10"").Value: " & _
Range("a10").Value, , _
"Note the difference:"
MsgBox "Now let's do something stupid:" & Chr(10) & _
"Will execute: Range(""a10"") = Range(""a10"")"
Range("a10") = Range("a10")
MsgBox "Range(""a10"").Formula: " & _
Range("a10").Formula & Chr(10) & _
"Range(""a10"").Value: " & _
Range("a10").Value, , "Formula is destroyed:"
End Sub