Keith (Southend)G
I have a number of formulas in my weather spreadsheet but I want to
combine a couple and seem to be getting in a bit a muddle, I wonder if
someone could help.
Basically I have a column that converts wind speed from m/s to knots
after determining the maximum value, this works fine until this entry
is missing (no report), the formula then returns '0'. In these such
cases I would like it to return a 'x' to signify 'No report'
The formulas look something this atm...
=IF(COUNT(C10, H10, N100)=0,"-",MAX(C10, H10, N10))
then I want to include something like:
Function MS_to_Knots(ws As Variant)
If ws = "" Then
MS_to_Knots = "-"
Exit Function
End If
MS_to_Knots = 1.94254 * Val(ws)
End Function
Many thanks
Keith (Southend)
combine a couple and seem to be getting in a bit a muddle, I wonder if
someone could help.
Basically I have a column that converts wind speed from m/s to knots
after determining the maximum value, this works fine until this entry
is missing (no report), the formula then returns '0'. In these such
cases I would like it to return a 'x' to signify 'No report'
The formulas look something this atm...
=IF(COUNT(C10, H10, N100)=0,"-",MAX(C10, H10, N10))
then I want to include something like:
Function MS_to_Knots(ws As Variant)
If ws = "" Then
MS_to_Knots = "-"
Exit Function
End If
MS_to_Knots = 1.94254 * Val(ws)
End Function
Many thanks
Keith (Southend)