Formula/Function Question



I apologize in advance if there is an obvious solution to this that I am

I want to use a formula that will refer to a certain cell that varies from
sheet to sheet depending on the value of another cell.

I want the cell to refer to cell N"x"
N= the column in which to find the value
"x"= is a number contained in cell T2
On one sheet, T2 is "6" and then on the next it is "34"
If T2 is 6, I would like the cell to reference the data in column N row 6.
If T2 is 34, I would like the cell to reference the data in column N row 34.

The value of T2 changes on every sheet and I would like to avoid having to
retype formulas everytime T2 changes.

I hope this is slightly clearer than mud :)

Thanks JD

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