Formula For If & Or Condition



I am having a column with different values in different cells. I want
to populate the adjacent cell with either blank or a value for
eg."Found". So if the cell has the values "A" or "B" then populate the
adjacent cell with blank else if the values or anything other than "A"
and "B" then populate it with "Found". I tried this formula
IF(E7<>"A",IF(E7<>"B","FOUND","")), but this does not work.
Could somebody help me with this formula.

Thanks & REgards

Bryan Hessey


I am having a column with different values in different cells. I want
to populate the adjacent cell with either blank or a value for
eg."Found". So if the cell has the values "A" or "B" then populate the
adjacent cell with blank else if the values or anything other than "A"
and "B" then populate it with "Found". I tried this formula
IF(E7<>"A",IF(E7<>"B","FOUND","")), but this does not work.
Could somebody help me with this formula.

Thanks & REgards

Ken Johnson

Hi Arnand,

The only thing you did wrong was leave out the second condition for the
first IF.
IF(E7<>"A",IF(E7<>"B""FOUND",""),"") works. However, Ardus' solution is
a simpler and easier to follow solution.

Ken Johnson

Bryan Hessey

Hi Ken,

unfortunately it reports 'FOUND' for blanks, as does your version, I
would think that where E7 were blank the 'found' should not be

Hope this helps


Ken Johnson

Hi Bryan,

My "stuff up" frequency with Boolean is very high.
Thanks for helping me monitor it:-/

Ken Johnson

Bryan Hessey


I can write as badly as anyone, but this was just:

If( cond , 'found' , blank)

where condition was that E7 be not equal to 'A', and not equal to 'B'
and not blank.

I like the simple things, then I can get involved :)


Bob Phillips



Bob Phillips

(remove nothere from email address if mailing direct)

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