RC said:
something basic as : =(cell)*(cell) or 4,109 * 43.86. Should equate to
180,221; however displays as 180,200.
formula error flag is in upper left..but I can find nothing...any
First, ignore the "error flag". It is usually misleading, usually
indicating only that the formula in that cell is "inconsistent" with
formulas in surrounding cells. That might not be an error at all. I always
disable "error checking".
As for your problem....
As you know, 4109*43.76 is 180,220.74 if you use a calculator (or do it by
hand), and it is displayed as 180,220.7 in Excel using a General format. So
when you say that you expect to see 180,211, that must be the result of some
explicit format, e.g. Number with zero decimal places.
But formatting affects only the appearance of values. It does not change
the actual value in the cell, unless you set the option "Precision as
displayed" (not recommended).
Ergo, the root cause of the problem is probably that either 4109 or 43.86 or
both are not actually what they appear to be. As an experiment, format the
cells as Number with 11 decimal places.
A value that appears as 4109 can actually be any value between about 4108.5
and 4108.49...9, and a value that appears as 43.86 can actually be any value
between about 43.855 and 43.8649...9. The product of many combinations of
those numbers can result in a value that appears as 180,200, which can
actually be any value between about 180199.5 and 180220.49...9.
To ensure that you use numbers with the intended precision, you should use
the ROUND prolifically, albeit prudently. At a minimum:
=ROUND(ROUND(A1,0)*ROUND(A2,2), 0)
where A1 appears to be 4109, and A2 appears to be 43.86. Even better, use
ROUND in the formulas in A1 and A2, and compute:
=ROUND(A1*A2, 0)
Alternatively, you might consider setting the calculation option "Precision
as displayed". I do not recommend it because of its pervasive nature.
However, if you choose to experiment with PAD, be sure to make a back-up
copy of your Excel file first. Setting PAD can result in unintended changes
to constant, which is irreversible.