I need to be able to substract a value in cell's D11 if the value in D11 is greater than 0/null, if D11's value is = X from the Value listed in cell H2, and the value of cell D12 is to be substracted from the value in cell C11 if the value in D12 is also =x, if not, plug in a zero/null into the formula. See current formula in the first row below and conditional values in the second row below.
Current formula: =D71+((C8-C7)*24*60)-H2-C11
Conditional cell values for: D11 = x and D12 = x
Hopefuly, I've explained myself well enough here.
Current formula: =D71+((C8-C7)*24*60)-H2-C11
Conditional cell values for: D11 = x and D12 = x
Hopefuly, I've explained myself well enough here.