Heres the full Metro rules and info
How to Play
Metro Fantasy Motor Racing is FREE to play and you can enter up to 5 teams.
Choose your team and get on the grid!
There are ten F1 constructors taking part in this years’ Formula 1 Championship, each with 2 drivers. You must choose 4 constructors to make up your team. Constructors are ranked 10 (Ferrari) to 1 (Force-India) – the total ranking of your constructors must be 21 or less. So that means you can’t have both Ferrari (10) and McLaren (9) in your team!
For each of your 4 constructors, you must then choose ONE of their two drivers to represent your team for the forthcoming race.
You’ll be able to change your entire line-up, right up to the scheduled start of each race.
Click here to see a full list of constructors and drivers.
Make Race Predictions
Every race weekend, you will be able to make predictions to score additional points. You’ll need to predict:
· the driver with the fastest lap time in practice
· the driver with the fastest lap time in the race
· the driver who will hold pole position
· which drivers will take 1st, 2nd and 3rd position on the podium
· which constructor will have the best performance in the Grand Prix
· which constructor will fare worst in the Grand Prix
The Practice Game
As the first two Grand Prix of the season are at the dead of night, we’re making these a Practice Game. The highest score at the end of the first two races will win £500! It’s the perfect way to get to grips with the game and check out who’s in-form.
The Main Game
Then we’ll wipe the slate clean and start the Main Game scoring from the 3rd Grand Prix of the season – China, 17-19th April.
With a total prize fund of £10,000 up for grabs, our end of season winner will walk away with £5,000 cash and every race weekend, someone will win a fantastic Scalextric set! Check out prizes for full details.
How to Score:
Constructor Points
Both cars of each of your chosen constructors will score for you based on their performance in each Grand Prix
Finishing place Points
1st +10
2nd +8
3rd +6
4th +5
5th +4
6th +3
7th +2
8th +1
All other cars running at the finishing flag +1
Car not running at the finishing flag -5
Front row starting position on the grid +5
Driver Points
The 4 drivers you have chosen (1 from each constructor) will score points for you in the following ways:
Finishing place Points
1st +10
2nd +8
3rd +6
4th +5
5th +4
6th +3
7th +2
8th +1
All other drivers running at the finishing flag +1
Driver’s grid improvement points
Drivers score +2pts per position gained for finishing further up the order than their starting position on the grid. E.g. a driver who starts in 18th position on the grid but finishes in 16th position scores +4 points for the two positions they have climbed. Official F1 classifications will be used.
Race Prediction Points
For accurately predicting the outcome of these categories, you’ll score the following points:
Fastest practice lap +3 points
Pole position +3 points
Fastest race lap +3 points
Podium finish +3 points
Correctly predicted podium finish position +5 points
All three podium winners positions correct +5 points
Best constructor +5 points
Worst constructor +5 points
Changing your team
Prior to the start of each GP, you will be able to completely reselect your constructor/driver line up and new predictions. Note that early cut-off times apply for some scoring criteria:
· Fastest practice lap predictions must be made before the official start time of the first official practice of that F1 Grand Prix
· Pole position predictions must be made before the official start time for qualifying
· Podium position and best and worst constructor predictions must be made before the official start time for each F1 Grand Prix
Mini Leagues
Get your mates together and challenge them in a Mini-League to see who’s king of the road! Note that each team you enter can only be in one Mini-League. Mini-Leagues are just for fun.