One of my forms was created from an underlying table with just three columns
regarding maintenance fees. If there is a maintenance fee owed, in other
words an amount greater than 0 in that field, I want a warning message to
appear stating this. Can I creat a control box (not sure if using the correct
word) in the form that has a rule such as "if field called amount is greater
than $0, show this message." As you probably have guessed I am not very
familiar with Visual Basic, but can be walked through it. I hope this makes
sense. Thank you. Dorothy
regarding maintenance fees. If there is a maintenance fee owed, in other
words an amount greater than 0 in that field, I want a warning message to
appear stating this. Can I creat a control box (not sure if using the correct
word) in the form that has a rule such as "if field called amount is greater
than $0, show this message." As you probably have guessed I am not very
familiar with Visual Basic, but can be walked through it. I hope this makes
sense. Thank you. Dorothy