Forms ?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Johan
  • Start date Start date



I'm very new to Access and VB so this may occur as a
stupid Question, but would apreciate help HIGHLY !

I want to run a MsAccess-form as a single Application,
I.e I'd like to save the form as an Icon and open it,
without open Ms Access,

The User shall only be able to see and use the form, not
edit or change it in any way.

Well Johan!

You can´t, at least now what I know of, run a single form as a stand alone
application. You allways need access to run at the same time.

But there is ways that you can prevent the user from beeing able to edit or
change the form (I asume you mean edit the design of the form!?).

First of all you need to make sure that the user can´t reach the design
button. So you have to adapt the tool menu bu removing the design button and
then uncheck <Alow adapt> (<Tillåt anpassning> on Swedish).

There are a lot of other way´s to go here but I can´´t seam to remeber it
alla now. If you realy want the application to be "user proof" then you
should create an MDE-file.

Before you do so ALLWAYS make a backup of you original MDB-file since it´s
impossible to recreate the mdb-file. The MDE-file is NOT possible to change
so you can´t make any development ocr ANY changes at all accept
adding/deleting/changing records in the tables.

// Niklas