Forms with sql




I would like to know if forms in Access 2003 can be designed using SQL. If
so and if I use the wizard to create a form where I can see the SQL View as I
do with querys.

Thanks in advance

Jerry Whittle

You can make the form's Record Source an SQL statement. When you are in Form
Design view and hit the build button (three dots) in the Record Source
property row, it will take you to the QBE view. From there you can go the the
SQL view of the query.

John Spencer

No forms cannot be designed with SQL.

If you mean can a form use an SQL statement as a source, then yes. If an SQL
statement is used (by the way queries are SQL statements), you can see it by
opening the form in design view, and looking at the form's record source property.

John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007-2009
The Hilltop Institute
University of Maryland Baltimore County

John W. Vinson


I would like to know if forms in Access 2003 can be designed using SQL. If
so and if I use the wizard to create a form where I can see the SQL View as I
do with querys.

Thanks in advance

The layout of a form - the names, position, size etc. of controls on the form
- is not stored in a Table in any readable form; so a Form doesn't HAVE a "SQL
view". You can open the Immediate Window (type Ctrl-G for instance) and type

Application.SaveAsText "frmMyFormName", "C:\My Documents\MyFormName.txt"

to save a text version of the form; it makes interesting reading for a while
but can get pretty boring after the tenth page or so.

The form *is* actually stored in a table - MSysObjects - but in a BLOB (Binary
Large Object) for which Microsoft hasn't published any documentation to my

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