Forms will not allow me to add a new record? disabled

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jack
  • Start date Start date


We are in a small business environment.
I set the form to go to a new record upon opening.
Strangely, now, select forms (perhaps due to a conflict)
disable the ability to go to a new record.
anyone have any idea why this might be?
We received an error: 'record has been deleted' when
trying to access the primary table. I compacted that table
and had success opening it and modifying the records
I compacted the forms but whenever I add a related table,
the dataset is not update-able..
even when I've manipulated the relationships.
I think we need more info on:

* The relevant Table Structure, in particular, the PrimaryKey Field and the
ForeignKey Field.
* The set-up of the Form. Do you use Subform? Post also the RecordSource
of the Form (and Subform).
* What you meant by "adding the related Table"? In the RecordSource Query?

It is likely that you linked Table using a non-PrimaryKey LinkField and in
this case, the RecordSource of the Form is not updateable.