Forms vs Pages

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jay
  • Start date Start date



I am currently building a small Job Ticketing DB
for my own use within my company. Build the tables, forms,
links and all works as intended. I am very new to Access as
this is my first "real" DB project. As a Network Engineer I
don't get to do this much so I am having a ball! :)

My first question is:
I would like my users to have a short cut on their
desktop's to a very simple and easy to use form. I also
have this as an html version as well. Now when my users
launch the shortcut it opens the full blown Access App. Is
there a way to avoid this? I really don't want Access
installed on every workstation. Can I use an .html page to
do this? If so can Access handle the request (act as a web
server) or would I need a web server set up with hooks to
the backend?

My second question:
My DB resides on my Network. I build it on my local PC then
moved it to the Network and fixed the links.
Now when my users click on the shortcut they get an error
saying that the DB is open and being used by a nother. I
have checked and it is NOT open anywhere.
Any idea's what could be causing this problem?



I am currently building a small Job Ticketing DB
for my own use within my company. Build the tables, forms,
links and all works as intended. I am very new to Access as
this is my first "real" DB project. As a Network Engineer I
don't get to do this much so I am having a ball! :) is a whole new playground. You can fall off the swing set
and get hurt real easy! (but it is still fun!) ;-)
My first question is:
I would like my users to have a short cut on their
desktop's to a very simple and easy to use form.

Generally, the approach to the above is simply to provide a short cut to
your mdb file. In your mdb file, in the tools->startup you can set the form
that runs. In fact, you can set a LOT of stuff in the tools->startup. For a
real quick and easy example of what startup can do, try downloading the 3rd
example at:

The above hides all of the ms-access stuff..and will give you some ideas as
to how to hide all the stuff you DO NOT want your users to see.
have this as an html version as well. Now when my users
launch the shortcut it opens the full blown Access App. Is
there a way to avoid this? I really don't want Access
installed on every workstation.

Not much you can do avoided the above. You can purchase a runtime edition
of ms-access, and it will allow you to create a windows install package that
will install your application + access runtime. The runtime is like the full
version, but you can't modify the forms etc. This runtime can be distributed
royalty free. (you need the developers edition of ms-access to do this).
Can I use an .html page to
do this? If so can Access handle the request (act as a web
server) or would I need a web server set up with hooks to
the backend?

You got the above correct. That is you need to run a full web server. If you
run the web server, then you are not using ms-access forms, reports etc, but
just using the mdb file as a data store. Your application will thus have to
be re-written for a web server. This is certainly a way to not have to
install ms-access on each pc..but then again you are not using ms-access
anymore..but web pages.
My second question:
My DB resides on my Network. I build it on my local PC then
moved it to the Network and fixed the links.
Now when my users click on the shortcut they get an error
saying that the DB is open and being used by a nother. I
have checked and it is NOT open anywhere.
Any idea's what could be causing this problem?

Make sure you are not opening the mdb file in exclusive mode.

tools->options-Advanced tab

Make sure the default open mode is shared.

Also, if you plan to use this system on a network, you should distribute a
mde to each workstation, and split your database. This is really a
requirement for multi-user system. Check out: