I've got a load of parameter queries in my database and I'm trying to
replace the parameter boxes with custom forms. However I've tried to do this
before and I can not seem to master the technique.
Now in another part of the database I've managed to run a parameter based
query from a staff details form using the Staff number on the current form.
This is as far as I could get until recently.
I've designed a form with a single combo box on it which allows users to
select which specialists they wish to see then they press ok which runs the
report. All works fine but the form stays open over the top of the report.
If I close the form somehow the report minimizes and the menu screen takes
its place.
Now you can just select the report again from the taskbar but I cant
understand why its happening in the first place. I'll explain how I'm doing
it at the mowment. Users select an option from the menu which runs a macro
to open the from users then select the required specialist and select ok
which runs a macro to open the report. Now the report itself is based on a
query, this query has the criteria to get the specialist users choice.
Theres got to be a better way but my VB skills are non existent.
Please help me if I can just crack this technique it would greatly improve
my database.
I've got a load of parameter queries in my database and I'm trying to
replace the parameter boxes with custom forms. However I've tried to do this
before and I can not seem to master the technique.
Now in another part of the database I've managed to run a parameter based
query from a staff details form using the Staff number on the current form.
This is as far as I could get until recently.
I've designed a form with a single combo box on it which allows users to
select which specialists they wish to see then they press ok which runs the
report. All works fine but the form stays open over the top of the report.
If I close the form somehow the report minimizes and the menu screen takes
its place.
Now you can just select the report again from the taskbar but I cant
understand why its happening in the first place. I'll explain how I'm doing
it at the mowment. Users select an option from the menu which runs a macro
to open the from users then select the required specialist and select ok
which runs a macro to open the report. Now the report itself is based on a
query, this query has the criteria to get the specialist users choice.
Theres got to be a better way but my VB skills are non existent.
Please help me if I can just crack this technique it would greatly improve
my database.