Forms, Subforms update

  • Thread starter Thread starter Vickie English via
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Vickie English via

I'm hoping someone can help me out. I'm new at building databases. Here's
my problem.

I have a subform (2) in a form (1). I also have another called 'Add New'
which I call with a command button in the main form(1). When I click on the
command button, the Add New form opens up and I add the new information.
Each time I add the new information on the Add New form, it replaces what I
already have in the subform. What I need is for the new information to be
added to what I already have in the subform. Can someone please help? Thank
you so much
Not quite sure what you are saying, but ...

usually a subform displays records from one table (usually a detail table)
while the main form displays records from another table (usually a header
table). Unless your subform is showing continuous forms, it will show the
current record. If you add a new record, the subform will be showing the
newly added record and not any of the previous records.

If you want to display the previous records also, then make the subform a
continuous form. If you want to add the data being added to the same
record, then you need to do some fancy coding.
Thanks JP. I already have the subform as continuous. Thanks so much anyway.